Honors Research is a hallmark of an IWU liberal arts education. Eligible students are invited to embark upon a year-long research or creative arts project with a faculty mentor and a committee of faculty from within and outside of their major department.
Any entry that does not have a pdf attached has been withheld from the repository at the author’s request. Bona fide researchers may be consult these works by contacting Tate Archives and Special Collections.
Submissions from 2000
U.S. and Indonesian Children's Descriptions of Relational Aggression: Gender, Development and Cultural Comparisons, Elizabeth A. Jansen '00
The Integration of Capital Markets: A Study of Market Integration Principles and the Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks on National Stock Market Comovements, Kristopher Kaneta '00
Informational Asymmetry and the Demand for IPOs: An Explanation of Underpricing, Peter Karlis '00
Determinants of Economic Growth in East Asia: A Linear Regression Model, Elizabeth Kowalski '00
Brown-headed Cowbird Brood Parasitism in Bison-grazed and Ungrazed Tallgrass Prairie, Alexandra C. Latham '00
Factors Influencing Foreign Direct Investment in Lesser Developed Countries, Jason Lewis '00
The Power of Perception and Origin Myth: Reconsidering the Origins of the Arthurian Legend, Rae Marie Marotta '00
A Test of the Environmental Kuznets Curve For Local and Global Pollutants, Robin Meers '00
National Political Influence and the Catholic Church, Jennifer Nash '00
Privatization in Lithuania: General Environment and Case Studies, Ginte Sabaliauskaite '00
An Assay for the Estimation of Organic Content in Unknown Biological Samples, William J. Schneider '00
Economic Influences on the Stock Market, Nate Taulbee '00
Psychosocial Effects of a Parent-Child Communication Activity on Siblings of Children with Autism, Caryn Terril '00
Benefits by Gender: Determinants of Welfare Accessibility for Migrant Women in Western Europe, Kathryn Vojack '00
Elector System Design and Ethnic Separatism: A Rationalist Approach to Ethnic Politics in Eastern Europe, Eric Wesselkamper '00
A Systematic Study of the Correlations Between Meteorite Impacts and Soot Formation, Susanna L. Widicus '00
A Survey of Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination in Costa Rican Wildlife, Mark Wieland '00
me vs. myself vs. I (Honors), Dan Witte
Computer Vision: Object Recognition, Michael Zalokar '00
Submissions from 1999
The Effects of Personality Characteristics and Stress on Physical Illness, Carly A. Andersen
Listening to the Native Voice: Museums as a Medium in Correcting Native American Stereotypes, Shana Bushyhead '99
The Gender Pay Differential: Choice, Tradition, or Overt Discrimination?, Jaynanne Calaway '99
Voluntary versus Involuntary Runaway Youth: Basic Demographics, Characteristics and Family Relations, Darcia A. Colburn '99
Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination in Neotropical Avifauna from Northwest Costa Rica, Virginia L. Flanagin '99
Needling Around: Discovering the Factors Affecting Physician Opinion on Acupuncture, Crea Fusco '99
Loneliness and Coping: Examining Predictors of Active and Passive Styles of Lonely Individuals, Betsy C. Garver '99
Synthesis of Novel Sesquiterpene Lactones: Heritianin, Vallapianin and Vallapin, Kostas Gavardinas '99
Technological Progress and its Effects on the Interaction Between Money Supply and Demand: A Cointegration Approach, Patrick J. Holly Jr. '99
Specific Worries in Siblings of Children with Down Syndrome, Laura M. Holsen '99
The Determinants of Home Ownership: An Application of Human Capital Investment Theory To the Home Ownership Decision, Jaclyn K. Hood '99
From Literal Path to Transcendent Journey: The Pilgrim's Movement Throughout Inferno, Shelley Manning '99
Las Mujeres De Oro, Benjamin J. Nelson '99
From Violence to Salvation: Toward a Method of Cult Study With the Branch Davidians and Aum Shinrikyo, Brian Nowicki '99
Adult Attention Disorders: The Effect of External Auditory Stimulation of Attention and Comprehension During Reading, Angela M. Reining '99
Designing an Integrated Environment for Artificial Intelligence, Andrew B. Ritger '99
Photochemical and Thermal Reactions of Nitrous Acid in a Benzene Matrix, Ethan Schrum '99
Integrating Self-Concept Theory into a Model of Loneliness, Joy M. Tassin '99
Beyond Narrow Liberalism, Justin B. Taylor '99
Something Old, Something Borrowed, Something New: The Ethnic Identity of Polish-American Women During World War I, Cheryl M. Trauscht '99
Does it Pay to be a Man? A Study of Pay Differentials Between College Graduates, Jennifer Van Dyke '99
Brand Consciousness, Ralph Wright '99
Submissions from 1998
Plantinga and the Theory of Knowledge, Angela Burnette
The Role of the Comstock-Kellogg Glands in Egg Tanning in Romalea guttata, Elizabeth A. Elasser '98
Aggression, Relational Aggression, Sociometric Status and the Quality and Authenticity of Children's Friendships, Carrie C. Finch '98
A Comparison of Prospective Memory and Executive Processes in Patients with Subcortical Illness, Milan Elmer "Trey" Folkers III '98
The Characterization of the TY5 Strain of Chamydomonas reinhardtii, a Chlorophyll Biosynthetic Mutant, Robert Graham '98
Parent-report vs. Child-report of Specific Anxiety in Siblings of Children with Autism: Do Parents Know What Their Children Worry About?, Gretchen K. Groh '98
Domestic Political Violence: Working Towards an Answer to a Timeless Question, John Gutowski '98
Stepping Around the Mop Water: Views of Status and Occupation in University Custodians and Students, Hope Hoffman
An Analysis of the Determinants of Financial Derivative Use by Commercial Banks, Katie Hundman '98
Patterns of Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination in Neotropical Migrant Passerines in Relation to Wintering Range and Wintering Habitat, Jeffrey A. Klemens '98
X-Ray Spectroscopic Mapping of Three Unusual Active Galaxies (NGC 4258, NGC 1097, and NGC 1068), Jeremy Kotter '98
Complex Scientific Testimony: Can Educational Psychology Turn Jurors Into Students and Lawyers Into Teachers?, Jason A. Krebs '98
A Case Study Analysis of the Relationship Between Atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's Disease, Katie Larsen '98
The Protestant Church in East Germany, Sara Lieb '98
Misery and Madness?: The Irish Face in Modern Irish Drama, Rob Mawyer '98
The Role of Social Capitol in Academic Success: A Case Study of the ACI Chicago Scholars Program, Shannon K. McManimon '98
The Total Synthesis of a Conformationally Constrained Organophosphorus Analog of Acetycholine, Justin Mergott '98
Prospective Memory: The Relation of Executive Function to Aging, Joesph A. Mikels '98
Organic Compounds in Cyanea capillata and Chrysaora quinquecirrha, Kris Mitchell '98
The Role of Social Support in Mediating Stress and Illness, Valerie M. Stachour '98
Prediction of Recidivism from Batterer Characteristics and Prior Arrest Records, Denise Ukleja '98
Trade and Commerce at Sepphoris, Israel, Sarah VanSickle '98
Sociometric Status and Aggression as Predictive of Childhood Conflict, Laura Warren '98
"Who is't can read a woman?": Shakespeare's Cymbeline and the Renaissance Woman, Nicole Williams '98
Submissions from 1997
Measuring Risk-Based Capital, Karen Anderson '97
Adult Attachment Style and Attitudinal Assessment of Preferred Timing of First Marriage, Elizabeth J. Arthur
Adult Attachment Style and Attitudinal Assessment of Preferred Timing of First Marriage, Elizabeth J. Arthur
The Effects of Multiple Injections of BA(25-35) into the Medial Septal Area on Spatial Learning in the Male Rat, James Bedrosian '97
Women Who Batter: A Comparison to Men who Batter, Treva S. Bogaerts '97
Expressions of Divine Order in the Canterbury Tales, Nicole Buscemi '97
The Effects of Information and Container Proximity on Paper Recycling, Todd Carlisle '97
Perception of Parental Conflict as a Predictor of Attachment and Caregiving Styles in the Romantic Relationships of Young Adults, Benjamin P. Chapman '97
Reassessing the Mozart Effect: Musicians and Non-Musicians Respond Differently to Late Eighteenth-Century, Non-Texted Music for a Monochromatic Instrument, William B. Cooper '97
Japanese U.S. Auto Transplant Production: An Analysis of the Roles of VERs and the Exchange Rate, Michael R. Cornstubble '97
Minding the Mental: Intentionality, Consciousness, and Daniel Dennett in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, Matthew T. Dusek '97
The Effect of Temperature on Reproductive Characteristics of an Asexually Reproducing Rotifer (Class Bdelloidea), Kurt E. Galbreath '97
The Validity of the B3R Entry-Level Examination for Fire Services as a Predictor for Future Job Performance, Terrance W. Gaylord '97
Gaming in the Rio del Norte: Defining the Typology and Usage of Modified -Potsherds at Pot Creek Pueblo (LA 260, TA 1), Joseph T.M. Gray '97
The Threadbare Thirties: Research for a Costume Design for Kaufman and Hart's You Can't Take it With You, Lauren Hansen '97
Heterologous Expression of BchP, a Rhodobacter capsulatus Polypeptide Necessary for the Reductive Maturation of Bacteriochlorophyll agg to Bacteriochlorophyll ap, Thaddeus R. Hoening '97
Phylogenetic Systematics of the Primate Genus Aotus Based on Hyoid Morphology, Melissa S. Immel '97
Direct and Indirect Effects of Feminist Actions on Women's Rights in France, Kirsten Keeley '97
Mapping Robotic Movement to a Three-Dimensional Coordinate System, Craig A. Materick '97
Synthesis of an Organophosphorus Analog of Acetylcholine, Darshan Mehta '97
Wealth Through Christ?, Matthew P. Mikulcik
Tactile Defensiveness and Patterns of Social Behavior in Autism, Cari D. Neal '97
Harmonic Oscillation in the Presence of Multiple Damping Forces, Chris Pelto '97
Controlling the Uses of Our Bodies: A Comparison of Women in Twenty Countries, Jennifer Pence '97
Consumption Taxes: An Examination, Joshua E. Richardson '97
The Economic Rationale of a Multi-State Lotto, Brett Roush '97
The Roles of Age and Frontal Lobe Damage in Prospective Memory, Sara J. Russell '97
Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination in New World Passerines, Tyler A. Sager '97
Regulation of Methyl Farnesoate Production by the Lobster Mandibular Organ in vitro, Amy Shaub '97
Subtyping a Batterer Population, Melissa A. Sprowl '97
Steiner Trees Over Generalized Checkerboards, Meta M. Voelker '97
Sexuality and the Balance of Power in the Canterbury Tales, Sarah C. Zumdahl '97
Submissions from 1996
Exchange Rate Variability and its Effect on Trade: a Case Study of the CFA Free Trade Zone, Gwendolyn M. Alexander '96
Rats in Bliss: A Minimal-Deviation Model of Ratio Schedule Performance, Jennifer Bredthauer '96